B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination Fourth Semester Paper I
(Revised/Modified Regulations)
Principles and Practice of Adult Nursing/Medical Surgical Nursing
Section A
1. Ram, 50 yrs is admitted in ICU with acute left ventricular failure.
(a) Enumerate the clinical features of the above condition. (5)
(b) Using the nursing process draw out a nursing care plan for this patient. (10)
2. Write short nores on any three: (3 x 5 = 15)
a Abdominal paracentesis
b) Anapphylactic shock
c) Health education to a diabetic client
d) Type B Hepatitis.
Section B
Venu is admitted with acute appendicitis for emergency surgery:
a) What are the clinical features of acute appendicitis? (4)
b) What is the immediate Preoperative Management? (5)
c) Draw out a nursing care plan for the first 48 hors post-operative period. (6)
Write short notes on any two: (2 x 5 = 10)
a) Nursing care after haemorrhoidectomy.
b) Meal planning for the client with liver cirrhosis.
c) Care of the client with POP case of the lower extremity.
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